Special Industry Session
- Date & Time: November 16, 2018 / 16:00-17:00
- Venue: Premier Ballroom C
Speech Ⅰ: Day 3(Nov.16) 16:00-16:30

- Dong Chul Park
- Lab Director, Hyundai Motor Group, Korea
- Title: Vehicle Sound Design and Haptics
Abstract & Biography
In our 5 sensations, the auditory and haptic sensation is 2nd and 3rd important one. But at driving situation auditory and haptics are a most important sensation for delivering information and emotion. In this presentation, sound design activates in automotive industries will be shown;
- Engine Sound Design: strategy & new technology
- Auditory User Interface design: alarm & warning sound design
- Vehicle sound & Brand strategy
As a final comment, the role of sound and haptics in next-generation vehicles will be presented.
Speech II: Day 3(Nov.16) 16:30-17:00

- Ki Kwang Sung
- CTO, Dot Inc. , Korea
- Title: The world where blind people can see with their hands
Abstract & Biography
There are approximately 285 million blind people around the world, and they rely on touch rather than vision to receive a variety of information. ‘Dot’ is now telling you the story how we make valuable result with our Touching technology for better and easy life for those blind people in the world.